HR Raid

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HR Raid
Part of Conquest of Rusty Bottoms

Taylor Swift guarding the destroyed compound walls as repairs are made.
Date20:32 - 21:33 June 17th 2015 (9 years, 8 months, 3 weeks and 4 days ago)
Result Decisive BMW Victory
Commanders and leaders
BMW Capitaler
BMW Cal Worthington
BMW Taylor Swift
BMW Kimsemus
~10 Bimmers ~7 HR
Casualties and losses
Very slight damage to the DREADFORT Complete decimation of HR and its forces

The HR Raid


One of BMWs original targets in coming to Rusty Bottoms was Jaq, a known Twitch streamer on the server, and many of the groups early exploits were in stream sniping then raiding his iceberg base. This cultivated a very healthy rivalry between the two groups. As such, Jaq kept close contact with Cal Worthington, even informing him of their intention to raid the DREADFORT on a certain day, giving BMW ample time to prepare. Furthermore, as he was still an active streamer, BMW was able to get notice mere minutes before the raid started, allowing further preparedness.

Crews were sent out to clear the surrounding forests to prevent any blind spots that the raiders might leverage against the defenders and ancillary bases were emptied of any relevant or precious resources and materials.

The Raid

At 21:06, the first waves of HRs forces approached the DREADFORT and were met with oppressive sniper fire. However, using the outskirts of the DREADFORT complexes eastern walls, they were able to get close enough to the north eastern inner walls of the DREADFORTS courtyard, which they quickly breached. In quick succession they sent several rocket volleys at the base of the DREADFORT. A sortie mission led by Cal Worthington was dispatched and halted the raiders, allowing a engineer team headed by Taylor and Rejdukien time to make repairs to the DREADFORT itself. By this point, HR was able to regroup and pushed back on the breached wall. Rej and Taylors group was pinned down in the hollowed out walls by gunfire but was able to keep the raiding party at bay intime for repairs to be made to the exterior walls of the courtyard.

HR from here began to fall apart. They briefly tried throwing themselves against the wall again, but were met with rounds of bullets as well as anti-personnel rockets. They had been routed and retreated. In total, the actual battle had lasted less than 10 minutes.

BMW Revenge Tour

With morale skyrocketing in the wake of one of their most successful defenses to date, Kimsemus rounded up a raiding party to hit against HRs raid base. From there, they continued the destruction across the northern coastline for a few hours until most everything in a several hundred meter radius had been leveled.


HR fell apart just after the failed raid, but rebranded as SPEED not many days later. In the next wipe cycle they would get their revenge in the form of the SPEED Assault.

Door Code Incident

As part of BMWs ongoing attempts at content creation, a video was put together of the highlights of the raid and uploaded to YouTube to be shared and used as advertisement. However, due to a last minute cut, the censorship used to hide the entry of door codes in the video was shifted, and revealed the codes for anyone to see. An unknown group took advantage of this later in the night after the video was uploaded, but as it occured on a Wednesday (one day before the server wipe) there was no real loss outside of Taylors pride. This lead to the creation of the BMW YouTube page, allowing for more people to have access to the video incase they ever needed to be pulled down.
